Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Spring break

The last two weeks have been spring break for us. It was really only a week and a half, but the three days before we left were fun Easter activities, not actual curriculum. I figure if the public schools can do it... ;)

We spent a week and a half in Colorado with Mark's family. The weather was great and the company was even better. We got to meet our new niece/cousin who was only a few days old when we got there (no, the kids were NOT allowed to touch her--I almost didn't let myself touch her!). We visited Colorado Springs where we had our first experience at Focus on the Family. Micah was our lifesaver as we got to Focus on the Family and realized we had forgotten both of our cell phones in Denver. He loaned us his phone for the day so we could get in touch with all of the people we were supposed to be meeting, which was so nice of him and incredibly helpful. We stayed at Focus on the Family for a few hours and watched some VeggieTales and played in the playground. Focus has an awesome indoor playground with a three-story slide. The kids would have stayed there all day if we had let them!

Instead we took them to the Air Force Academy and then Garden of the Gods where we worked really hard at convincing them to join the Air Force and wearing them out. Not really sure we were successful on either count. Then we had dinner with Micah and Tiffany and their little girl, Julia. It was great to get to see them again. I missed them before we even said good-bye. 

It's been awhile since I posted any pics. That has a lot to do with me not taking photos or taking photos and not downloading them to the computer. Either way, I managed to do both this past weekend. It's good to feel successful in the little things, you know? :)

The crew, ages 8, 9, 10, 7, 7, and 9 from left to right:

No shortage of characters in our house...(if you look at it closely you'll see it pretty accurately represents the various personalities we have!)

Crew, with co-captain and captain (yes, my eyes are closed, but believe me when I say this is the best pic out of several from the same shoot!):