Thursday, September 25, 2008

Why? Why? Why?

We joke that our boys have officially hit 3 years old, because we hear "why?" all the time. And I do mean all the time. But realistically, they never went through this stage (somehow I think a dozen three-year-olds asking "why?" all the time in the orphanage is discouraged) and now they have the opportunity to ask questions and get answers.

They really like the asking questions part. LOL

When we first met the boys--even before we met them--our biggest concern was with Dima and his development. He didn't have any indicators of FAS, but there was just so much we didn't know. And what we were told was not particularly encouraging in regards to his motor skills--or any other skills for that matter. But when we were introduced to him that day in the director's office, both Mark and I watched him closely. Although he was scared, he responded appropriately every time something happened. If he heard a noise out the window, he turned and looked. If someone entered the room, he would look up to see what was going on. When he was standing next to the director and she was having a conversation with the social worker, he watched back and forth between the two of them. We could tell that whatever delays he had, his mind was intact and working very well. Any potential concerns we had about his brain have been laid to rest many times over.

Monday night at dinner the boys and I were talking about siblings--specifically going over that they are brothers, mama has a sister, papa has a brother and two sisters, etc.--to work on understanding family relationships.

Z: "Who next brother?"
Z: "Who next brother?"
D: "Next brother. Base ball."
"Oh, Nick's sister is Laura." (Nick and Laura are the children of one of the other players on Mark's base ball team, and the kids all play together at the games.)
D (pointing at his fingers): "Mama, eyes!"
"What?" (I say this a lot. :))
D (still pointing at his fingers): "Mama, eyes! Nick eyes base ball!"
"Oh, yes, Nick had ice on his fingers when he was stung by a bee."

...four weeks ago!!

Dima has one of the most amazing memories, both short- and long-term. He can pull things out that I didn't even realize he noticed, or that I would have thought he would remember.


Troy and Rachel said...

Hi - I just found your blog today and will enjoy following it as you journey to the Ukraine again! I have been interested in the Ukraine as we just adopted a little boy from Russia this year. I read your post about it not being any easier to put together a dossier this time around! I can't imagine getting all that paperwork together again!! Good luck!!

Shea said...

Your boys are precious!