Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Not submitting just yet

After much discussion and prayer, we are not yet requesting to submit our dossier. As it happens, it appears the NAC is interpreting their current dossier submission guidelines pretty strictly, which is fine. Except that we really want to adopt siblings, and it seems that the current policy is that if we were to find an "invalid orphan" (their words), if their sibling does not also fall under the current list (over 10 or invalid in our case) we could not adopt them. We feel strongly that we are to prepare for two children, and we do not feel that submission of our dossier is what we need to be doing right now. So we continue to wait... ;)

In the meantime, however, we have finished our big, secretive project for our children. We have made twin beds! Yes, completely from scratch (well, we didn't go out and cut down the trees...). We modeled the beds after our bed, so for those of you who have seen our bed picture it as a twin. The great thing about making our beds was we were able to design them the way we wanted! So, here are some great characteristics of our kids' beds: 1. They can be bunked by putting both of the headboards on one bed (bottom), both of the footboards on the other (top). 2. They are designed so that we can actually sit on the bottom bunk and read our child a story, take their temperature, etc., without bumping our heads! 3. We are able to put in and take out side rails on both sides of each bed. 4. These are probably the sturdiest twin beds you've ever seen. 5. They're beautiful (yes, I'm biased). 6. They cost unbelieveably less to make than to buy.

The beds are made of untreated pine finished with a clear lightweight polyurethane for ease in cleaning. All of the edges are routed, meaning they are all rounded so there are no sharp edges on the boards. I'm hoping to post pictures soon, so everyone else can see how beautiful they are!


Anonymous said...

The beds sound wonderful... and just like you guys! Did you have to buy a table saw to make them? Buying new tools for a project can be fun, eh?

Anonymous said...

Hi Mark and Courtney! I love the beds-did you design them yourselves? Good to keep up to date with your bolg-I am hoping that things happen for you soon. Think of you both often.
Laura Barnhart