Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Where things are

So many updates to give...and apparently I need to post more pictures as you guys were so excited about the family one. ;)

BIG NEWS: We no longer have a bedwetter!! I had mentioned (a LONG time ago) that we had gone back to pull-ups for the summer. As the end of summer neared, I reminded our bedwetter that he would be back to using the alarm and changing his sheets. All of a sudden, he decided he wanted to wear underwear to bed and was dry! I think we definitely made the right decision to go to pull-ups for the summer, as I needed a break from the alarm and we wanted to give his body a few more months to grow. But I am super excited that now it isn't even an issue!

I should note that we do occasionally have problems with a little "leakage". I don't think either of the boys are particularly good about getting up as soon as they wake up and they sometimes wait a little long to go to the bathroom. But all the leakage involves is a little bit in the underwear--definitely manageable! And boy, is that ever perfect timing before we introduce a couple more kids.

Our done. With the exception of our 171H. That is all we need. We have filed our I600A and sent our homestudy, but we still need to do fingerprints and get approved.

By the end of next week. Yikes.

Ukraine will stop accepting dossiers for their annual winter break at the end of November, which means the last day we have to submit is November 25. Which means we need to mail our dossier to Ukraine by the end of next week.

And of course today is a federal holiday. ;)

I really have no idea if God intends for us to submit now or in February. We are still pushing forward, trusting Him to close doors wherever He needs to. I'm alternating between being really excited and wondering how on earth this is all going to work. But I know once our kids are home that even the difficulties will pale in comparison to the joy of having two more little ones!


tiffers said...

Wait. Back up. 2 more little ones? I reread your posts and I only read about 1 little one. Is the 2nd one a sibling to Candace? Praying that everything goes well.

Anonymous said...

Two more little ones? Are you requesting another besides Candace, or going for a blind referral, or what? Best of luck, regardless. All of you are in our thoughts and prayers!


Thuy said...

Yes. I'm also confused. TWO more?? I thought you were adopting Candace... More info, please!

Tonya said...

LOL! TWO!!!!???? That is fantastic!!!:):):) Another boy?

Mama said...

I wondered the same thing...a couple more kids? So excited for your family!!

Tami said...

Woohoo! Two! That's awesome! :) Of course I'm incredibly jealous and wish I could convince Shad to do the same...but I'm a VERY patient woman! HA! Okay...I'm patient when I WANT to be. ;)