Friday, August 03, 2007

It has to happen to someone

I'm not going to go into all of the details, but of our own choosing we were considering submitting our dossier a few weeks later than scheduled. In order for that to work we needed to update a few documents. We've been praying that God would make it clear when He wants us to submit--the earlier date or the later date. I kept feeling like we were really supposed to submit at the earliest possible opportunity, but I wasn't convinced that that wasn't just my anxious spirit. ;)

We updated our medicals and everything went fine with those. Mark got a letter of employment from the hospital so we could submit that as well as a homestudy addendum (stating his new income) on the later date. Yesterday, Mark took the medicals and one employment letter to be apostilled, and I was to send off the other employment letter to our SW. However, I realized when I got to work that I didn't have any stamps so I would have to wait until I got home to mail it. Mark got a call from the apostilling office that the documents were done, but when he went to pick them up they were unable to apostille his employment letter. The notary's stamp had the wrong commission expiration date on it! This has basically ensured that we have to submit on the earlier date, or not submit until sometime much later. There are more details to this story that I can't share publicly, but I would definitely ask for prayers that our dossier will be submitted either Monday, August 6, or Monday, August 13.

I have been feeling more and more agitated about going to get our children--anxious isn't the right word, as I'm not worried at all, just feeling like we need to go get them soon. I don't know what's going on, but I've been praying for them a lot lately. If you feel inclined, you are always welcome to pray for our children. Specifics that I pray for are their health and well-being while we are apart, that they have someone to love them, hug them, and snuggle them until we get there, that they have someone there to show them God's love, and that God would be working now to knit our hearts and theirs together to become a family at the time He designates.


Tami said...

We'll be praying for wisdom and guidance for you and for an extra dose of love for the kids until you get there. :)

adoptedthree said...

My prayers and blessings you have been on this journey way longer then you should have been

There must be a reason

Tonya said...

praying with you!!!

Can't wait to hear something!

Staci and Damon said...

Praying for a submission yesterday or next Monday!!