Tuesday, November 06, 2007

My incredible husband

I probably sounded a bit more optimistic about the new house in the last post than I actually felt. I hadn't been over there for a few days, and Mark has been working on it day and night when he's not at work, or leading Bible study, or planning for our church to move into the new part of our building, or considering a new leadership role at the church, or working on adoption details. (It makes me tired just listing all of the stuff he's working on!) Every time he's mentioned the house he hasn't sounded particularly optimistic about getting everything cleared out before the dumpster will be picked up. Yesterday he got home early so we went over to the house together and this is what I saw:

He singlehandedly pulled off all of the plaster in the living room and took nearly all of it to the dumpster, started on the dining room ceiling, and pulled off all of the drywall in the dining room and kitchen. That would be the drywall with the fake bricks attached, a.k.a. the heaviest drywall in the world. I am so in awe of his perseverance on this project. All that's left is to remove the ceiling in the dining room and the plaster in the dining room and kitchen. The kitchen isn't a problem--we're having a hard time keeping it on the wall right now. It's definitely not in good condition. Then we have to haul all of the plaster from both floors out to the dumpster. Sigh. That is the not-fun part, and it's really heavy. I can only carry so much at a time so most of the burden falls on Mark, and I help by carrying out the lath and all of the other boards. But it's great to see so much progress, and to know it was all done by my husband! We might actually meet our goal to have the plywood subfloors down before we leave!! It's such a blessing to have a husband who devotes so much time and energy to our projects. :)

I love the little adoption accountability blogging group we've got going online. Between Tami, Nataliya, and myself none of us should forget to do or bring anything for our adoption!! :) :) Keep reminding me of things I shouldn't forget to do or pack, ladies!


Sarah Halter said...

WOW. It's really coming along! I'm always amazed at how you both manage to juggle so many things and actually get them done. Great work Mark! It's nice to have seen the house in person to know what everything is (and to know how much work you've really done!)

Tami said...

Boots.... Don't forget the boots. I'm driving myself crazy looking for a decent pair, but all I can find are the ones with heels high enough to put me in the stratosphere! I can't stand much more than an inch if we're going to be doing as much walking as everyone says! :)
We're arriving on Monday around 11:30 a.m., and we'd LOVE to go to dinner with you!
The house is coming along wonderfully. You have a keeper of a hubby there. I can't believe how much progress you've made!

adoptedthree said...

Here are some of my favs
Listerine strips
travel pillow dont leave home without one
febreeze for winter months
regular size towel old(that doubles as a blanket for child)
dove facial scrubs
instant oatmeal packs for new one
old undies to finally throw away as your travel days dwindle
dark not light socks and in the winter at least one wool or heavier pair
silk underwear
we broutht small travel blankets in the winter and I am always cold so when the cabbie doesnt use heat for five hours or the hotel has no heat they were awesome and then we left them behind (now wish we hadnt LOL)

And last a piece of mind and lots of exciting dreams and expectations and a door to open...