Sunday, November 04, 2007

Checking things off

I took a little road trip this weekend while Mark was working. Along the way, I managed to pick up some more clothes at garage sales, and a wonderful winter coat at an overstock store! It's down-filled and exactly what I've been looking for. I picked up a few other necessities for the trip as well and have a good chunk of our packing list done. Mark talked to the bank on Friday and we're all set as far as picking up the money. I keep checking the plane reservations every few days (...just did that again) to make sure everything's still set. I'll be calling the airlines this next week or so just to double-check. :) Mark put the storm windows in and I went through all of our extra dossier paperwork last week as well.

We received a wonderful gift this weekend as well that really meant a lot to us. It involved some degree of sacrifice on the part of the giver which makes it that much sweeter to us. The details will remain private, but I wanted to publicly acknowledge the giver. Thank you very much!

Mark worked hard yesterday hauling plaster out of the new house. We have the dumpster for about one more week and it's going to take a LOT of work to get everything cleaned out in that amount of time. But the house is looking good and it's exciting to see things coming together (or apart, depending on your perspective).

Still on the to-do list:
..put together the picture albums
..print out the embassy paperwork for coming home

...I think that pretty much covers the to-do list. There are some other things we would like to get done before we go, but they're not adoption related so aren't actually on the official to-do list. :)


Julie said...

I'm impressed! Great job checking things off and getting ready. So exciting!

Tami said...

We're getting closseerrr! This weekend we managed to check off buy new suitcases and find someone to do shoveling for us.
Ooohh! I'm getting excited!

Nataliya said...

Good job with the lists! We still have a lot to do, but I think most of the biggies are checked off by now.

Thank you for reminding me to call the airlines to check the flights :) I totally forgot about it!