Sunday, June 15, 2008


What a weekend! We started off with a meltdown by Dima first thing Saturday morning. Nothing like starting the weekend off well. ;)

  • Went to look at a house. We can't have any more kids until we have more bedrooms. The house was nice, but we're still looking.
  • Went to the Tower Grove farmers' market. Didn't buy anything as all I wanted was fruit. There wasn't much there and what was there was not cheap!!
  • Went to the zoo for a couple of hours. This was at the boys' request. Their school was having a carnival fundraiser this weekend, and the boys have been excited about going all week. But when presented with going to the zoo or the carnival, they chose the zoo!
  • Had lunch out (this was a bad weekend for eating out--as in, we did it a lot more than we like).
  • Went home, but did NOT rest at all (intentionally).
  • Went to a statue celebration for the park where Mark plays vintage base ball. They had asked some players to come out for "atmosphere" and I dressed up as well. This was the first time the boys have seen me in 1860's garb and they said I was "cute". :)
  • Went home, made a picnic dinner, and headed to Shakespeare in the Park. The play started at 8pm and the boys were asleep on the blanket by 8:30. They slept through the entire performance, including applause and intermission!


  • Church, of course! :)
  • Lunch out again. Pancakes, at Zhenya's request. :) They're starting to learn they can request things when we ask them what they want to eat. Although Saturday at the zoo all they wanted to eat was "water"--it was really hot!
  • Home to rest. All three of the boys slept for 1.5 hours. I cleaned. ;)
  • The circus!

Oh my goodness, I would have paid well over what we paid to watch Dima at the circus. Circus Flora is a small, European-style one-ring circus. They don't have elephants or tigers and it focuses more on acrobatics. The first half of the show, Dima watched but really didn't seem too thrilled--he was just trying to figure it all out. By the middle of the second half, he started getting it--this is fun! By the last act (trapeze artists), he was enthralled and his face was lit up like you wouldn't believe. He was smiling and laughing and kept turning to Mark and I and pointing out the people on the trapezes. The teenage girl sitting next to him thought it was hysterical. He really got it...that this is fun and he could enjoy it and there was no agenda--nothing to be afraid of, just a fun time out with all of us watching other people be silly and amazing and fun. It was such an incredible transformation to watch him go through. When we went to bed, Mark said he didn't think he'd ever seen Dima smile and laugh like that. He wasn't hyperactive or overwhelmed, just really happy and having a good time. I hope he always remembers his first circus.

The boys went to bed when we got home not too much past their regular bedtime, but for some reason they had a hard time going to sleep. ;) Hopefully they have a good day at school tomorrow and we'll be sure to get them in bed early Monday night.

Both Mark and I talked to our dads today and completely forgot to wish them Happy Father's Day! So Happy Father's Day to our special dads!


Julie said...

Wait a minute... you're looking at another new house? I think I missed something along the way.

Hey, I left you a pretty lengthy reply to your comment on my blog, hope it makes sense. Also, I found a great site that might help too.

Courtney said...

Yes, we are looking at other houses because our rehab will only end up having two bedrooms. We wanted 3, but there's not a window for the third bedroom so it wouldn't be counted as a bedroom for an adoption. (It's much easier just to have kids biologically--then no one counts your rooms. ;)) So we have two bedrooms with the laundry upstairs and a big master suite with a large walk-in closet. We'll finish the rehab and either sell it or rent it, depending on everything. We may still move into it depending on when it's finished and where we're at with other houses, but if we want any more kids we're going to need more rooms. :)

Sarah Halter said...

That was my question too. I'm glad you all had such a great weekend and that Dima enjoyed the circus the way he did. It sounds like everything is going so well (from this post and the one about attachment).

By the way, your and Julie's conversation back and forth about your replies to each other's comments cracked me up!