Tuesday, July 01, 2008

I have no business being awake before 9am

I was driving to work this morning and was a few miles from our house. I noticed a truck on the side of the road where the driver had tucked the side mirrors in (so they wouldn't get hit), and I was thinking about our silver VW and how we can do that but we don't. So I glance at my side mirror and realize the outside of it is black, not silver as I expected. My jaw dropped as I realized someone had stolen the outside cover of our side mirror! I look at the other mirror to see if that one is gone too, and realize that, yep, I'm in the other car. The one with the black side mirrors. Sigh. It did give me a nice jolt of adrenaline to get me the rest of the way to work. ;)


Tami said...

HAHA! Did you skip your morning cup of java?! :)

Courtney said...

I actually don't drink coffee--we don't even have a coffeemaker at home (which reminds me of something I should post about)! :) Caffeine makes me waayyy too jittery.

Erin said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who's not a morning person. :)

Thuy said...

This is great. Reminds me of a time in high school when I completely freaked out and screamed, "Someone stole my car! Someone stole my car!!!" Then after 5 minutes of pondering, I realized..."Wait a second, I got a ride to school today. I didn't drive my car!"

Glad you still have your side mirrors and that they match the rest of the car!