Wednesday, August 13, 2008


I haven't felt like posting much, although things are going well. The boys' language continues to develop and I get a kick out of some of their sayings. I try to help them understand how to pronounce things by using words they already know. But when they get things a little mixed up it leads to some interesting comments. For example:

"May I have some more tummy-foot?"
"May I have some more tummy-foot?" (pointing at the appropriate body parts)
"Ohhh...yes, you may have some more tomato."

For some reason, they had a hard time picking up on how to say tomato--they had a really hard time repeating it back to me. So I told them to say "tummy-toe", because as they run it together they will get the correct sounds. Dima got a little confused on which parts of the body he was supposed to be using. ;)

Zhenya's new favorite phrase is "I don't know too!", usually said because he asks bizarre questions to which I have to answer "I don't know"--questions like "Why is the man driving that way?" "Why is the flower purple?" "Why is August hot?" (Okay, I do know the answer to that one. ;))

Dima loves to read to himself. Of course, he can't read just yet so he makes up the stories. They involve a lot of "you obey, good job! no obey...obey teacher...yes, yes, yes...good job!". You can tell what we've been focusing on. ;)


Anonymous said...

How cute! And what a great way to show them how to pronounce new words. But the real reason for this comment is to say Happy Birthday, Courtney!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Courtney!!

Tonya said...

I laughed out loud. Kids are so funny.