Saturday, December 08, 2007

More about our appointment

I'm going to finish this post I started a couple of days ago, but wanted to update a couple of things. Our court date is next Tuesday, Dec 18 at 10:30am. Please pray for a favorable ruling. Also, a grandmother is not happy with the adoption, so please pray for that situation. Lastly, the US Embassy is requiring us to do a HS addendum because Alexander is outside of the age range listed on our HS. Please pray that our SW would be able to do the addendum and submit it to BCIS in the next couple of days.

Our appointment was at 2pm on Tuesday. We arrived at the SDA gate a few minutes before 2 but the gate was locked so we waited about 10 or 15 minutes in the cold before someone came and unlocked the gate. When we were let in, we got into the stairwell and met our SDA interpreter, Julia. Apparently the rules have changed (yet again) and as of two weeks ago facilitators are not allowed to go into the appointment with their clients. So it was us, our SDA translator, and the SDA psychologist. We were offered several older children which we refused, and one set of 5 yo twin boys, one of whom had Hep C which we also turned down. The first file we actually looked at was of our boys, but they were older than we really wanted and had a lot of medical issues so we weren't sure. The only other file we were even given to look at had a 6 yo and a 2 yo. We continued to ask for more files and were repeatedly told there are no others. So we started asking questions about the boys...their medical information, their history, etc. Then I asked what region are they in? When the psychologist said "Donetsk", we both started laughing and were pretty sure we were supposed to go visit these kids. Our facilitator is from Donetsk and we had joked that it would be a great Christmas present to get a referral close to his family, so when the boys ended up being in Donetsk we knew it was from God.

I will do my best to post more later, but it's not easy right now. We have high speed internet in the apartment we are in but my laptop will not connect. A few too many security features, I suspect...


Kevin and Krista said...

I love the way God works. I am glad that he gave you a sign so that you would know which file to pursue. Blessings to you.


Nataliya said...

I'm sure your SW will able to submit the addendum to BCIS very soon so that you'll be all set with the Embassy.

December 18th is a very good day - it's my daughter birthday, so I have no doubt the ruling will be favorable!

Diana said...

Oh, goodness! Once again, this is total dejavue to our experience this past summer!! May the rest of your journey be smooth. Enjoy getting to know your two new boys. You'll be forever grateful you found them!

Tami said...

We'll be praying for the Grandmother...and for your court date...that all will go smoothly and quickly. We're ready to leave on Wednesday to meet the little girl! :)

Kathy and Matt said...

Thanks for giving some specifics on what we might pray for. Our prayers have already begun.

I'm sure the BCIS will turn things around quickly.

Looking forward to reading more as you update!

Unknown said...

We are definitely praying for you guys and everyone at church is as well. I am sure God will work everything out for you. I love you guys and am so happy for you. We all can't wait to welcome your boys home! May the Lord bless you in ways you can't imagine this week.

Jeri said...

Hi Guys,
We adopted from Sumy seven years ago (it is north of where you are). Question, is your facilitator's name Sergey? I realize that it is a long shot and I know there are a lot of Sergey's there and many facilitators from Donetsk. Just wondering. Jeri, mom of Alexander from Sumy

Sarah Halter said...

Jeri, I don't know if Courtney will get a chance to reply soon - their facilitator is Kostya.

Ashley said...

Mark and Courtney - this is the first time I have been able to read your blog. I have only been able to read a couple posts, but wanted to let you know I will be praying for your visit with the boys, the situation with the grandmother, and the court hearing. Also, I have the exact same bakcground on my blog and our titles are the exact same words as well...TOO WEIRD! When I pulled up your blog, I thought I accidently pulled mine up because it said "Our Adoption Journey" with the same colors, etc.... That's pretty cool!

Anonymous said...

We are thinking of you and wishing you and those the boys all the best. The McGoverns and the Carrs

Anonymous said...

Courtney, I'm thinking of you guys CONSTANTLY. Very anxious to hear from you again soon! I hope all is going well.

Anonymous said...

Mark and Courtney,

We are so excited for you and will be praying that you rest secure in the capable hands of our amazing God! We can't wait to meet Timothy and Alexander.

In Christ,

Ryan and Nancy Soderstrom