Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Scratch that

The bit about the dossier being done? Not so much.

We got word on Tuesday that our facilitator is changing some of her documents, which means we need to redo some of ours. Unfortunately, that also includes the medical form and the employment letter. I'm waiting to hear if the medical form we have is acceptable--there's a chance it might be and I really don't want to redo that if we don't need to. The employment letters have to be redone since the wording has significantly changed.

The dossier will NOT be sent out this week. Maybe the end of next week if everything falls into place.

Such is life as an international adopter.

But hey! It's more time to get moved in, more time to save money, and more time to get excited. Yep, for the first time I've started allowing myself to get excited about the girls. There are a number of reasons I haven't allowed myself much excitement yet--one of the main ones being that international adoption (especially from Ukraine) can be very uncertain. Things can change at a moment's notice (like paperwork!) and just when you think everything's moving right along you're back to square one. In this case, we're not back at square one, and we are making progress and should have the dossier sent out soon.

I am so very very grateful to the many people who help us along the way...doing documents, answering questions, praying for and with us, and giving to the girls. We're getting closer!


Unknown said...

I've been hearing of the paperwork changes lately.. sorry it's affecting you but I love your attitude and am also excited about your girls coming home :)

Audrey said...

Oh boy, can I relate. We are in the re-do stage, too. So close - and yet so far. :) We'll get there!

MoserUpdates said...

I'm in the midst of all this...We finished our updated dossier last Friday, again on Monday, and again today...little things like wording are killing us!!!

The Flying Eagle said...

Wow I dont envy you with all that paperwork. Although without saysing too much....check out our family blog. Just got word in our bio-search that we may be borrowing that travel bag just one last time. So much to consider but praying that God makes his path for us and Olga very clear.

orphans4me said...

I'm truly SORRY about you having to re-do paperwork. I do know that it can be discouraging--your attitude is much more positive than mine!! Still, I am praying for you right now.

Tami said...

Well at least there's a bright side...she told you BEFORE you mailed it off to Ukraine. ;)