Thursday, February 10, 2011

Slight delay (LONG) my posting, that is. Namely because we went to sleep so that we could wake up at midnight and Skype with our kids. It was good to see and hear them, but next time I will stay up instead of going to sleep first. I couldn't get back to sleep until after 3:30am!

Okay, so backing way up (at least it feels that way on this end)...

At the train station we met up with Sasha, our in-region facilitator. She actually missed us because we blend in so well :) :) and called us frantic that we hadn't made it. We were standing in front of the train station, patiently waiting. :)

From the train station we went to the social worker's office. He is hysterical! Probably the most animated Ukrainian I have ever met and so funny. From his office, we went to the orphanage to meet the girls. We heard their medical history and then they brought in B. We were a little concerned about what to expect based on her description from the orphanage nurse and director. She is tiny and very sweet. The first thing she asked was if we were her mama and papa and if we were going to take her home that day. :( After a few minutes they brought J in (known to many of you as Candace) and she was quiet but playful. We then took the girls to another room to play for a little while. We really wanted to observe B in action based on what we had heard, as we weren't sure we were going to accept her referral. However, we saw nothing that led us to believe there would be any problems with her joining our family, so we accepted the referrals for both girls!

From there we went to the notary and then to McDonalds for lunch (we've had more McD's in this week than we ever do at home!) in the hopes of finding wi-fi (nope). Then to a post office, then to the notary, then to the social worker's office again, then to Amstor (like Walmart) while Sasha stayed at the social worker's. Then to our apartment (about 2:30pm). Then we finally got to go to the bathroom (yeah, we really hadn't gone since 8am that morning). :) :)

I did take pictures of the girls but I'm not posting those yet. Patience... :)

We didn't visit with the girls again that day since we were running around (we went back to Amstor when Sasha got back after more running around). Then a little bit of internetting and bed before getting up again to Skype with the kids. That brings us to today...


Faithhebrews11 said...

The suspense is killing me!!! LOL Glad everything is going great!

Unknown said...

AWESOME! We've been eagerly waiting for this post, and it's so cool that your time with the girls is going so well! We'll all try and be patient for the pictures :) Prayers coming your way . . .

Tamara said...

YAY!!! Two girls! How wonderful! Can't wait to hear more! :)

M. E. said...

Lovely! Glad both referrals worked out : ) Can't wait to hear more about both darlings!



Dove Familie said...

Wonder if it's the same social worker - talk, fairly thin, dark brown hair? I really liked him. We had some funny talks and he's VERY opinionated. He told me I looked like a European and not an American :)

Oh my, I had NO idea there was a McDonalds around there. Where is it? And we frequented Amstor - love it!

Praying for you guys!!