Tuesday, December 10, 2013


All of the doctors have come and visited this morning. Emily was resting for the first group but when the surgeon came he woke her up to have a look in her mouth. She's feeling much better today.

The good news: Emily has had about 5 mL of Sprite and a bite of applesauce and hasn't thrown up. Hooray!

The not-so-good news: According to our surgeon, the cheek flap is not looking healthy, meaning it is not getting a good supply of blood. If that is correct, the tissue will gradually die off. It won't affect everything they repaired yesterday, but they want to try to save as much tissue as possible so we will have a follow-up appointment with the surgeon on Friday. If the tissue from the cheek flap is dying, Emily will have surgery again next week to attach a tongue flap to her palate. This will be in place for three weeks and will effectively tie her tongue, preventing any kind of clear speech. If you know Emily, you could not imagine a worse punishment for her than not being able to talk for three weeks. ;)


Anonymous said...

Poor thing! I've been thinking about you both this week. Lots of prayers coming her way for a speedy recovery. Love, Whitney

Dawn said...

Glad she's feeling a little better. Still praying that this surgery will stick.

Heather P. said...

Courtney, I just discovered your blog via your email. How fun! Not fun = vomiting and also not being able to talk. I'll continue praying for speedy healing and a settled tummy.

CrossRiver Media said...

Poor Em! Praying that she is able to keep everything down and that the flap will take! and I feel her post-surgery nausea pain. I ALWAYS come out of surgery throwing up. Eventually we figured out that the traditional medicine they give you for that actually makes me feel worse. We changed to the one that starts with a Z and I haven't had a problem since. Hope the new medicine works for her. :) ~ Tami